Watch The Exclusive Interview with Sandbox Founder Sebastien Borget and DxTalks
In this week's episode of CryptoTalks by DxTalks , Sandbox Founder Sebastien Borget met virtually with Founder and CEO of DxTalks, Rudy Shousany, to talk about the Metaverse journey, education and future trends in the industry.
Sebastien Borget is the Founder of Sandbox, the third-biggest Metaverse based on the Ethereum blockchain. Creators who desire to publish their Metaverse experience should utilize the opportunity provided by the sandbox to buy virtual properties. These properties can be secured and accessed with their avatars in the virtual reality world.
Watch the Full Interview video here:
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#DxTalks #SandBox #SebastienBorget #MetaverseTrends #FutureOfMetaverse