Cryptotalks Wednesday's Episode 213

February 14, 2024 by
Cryptotalks Wednesday's Episode 213
Dive into the cryptoverse with Episode 213, Season 9 of Crypto Talks!
Get the latest news, updates, and insights straight from the experts as we unpack the hottest trends and happenings in the crypto space.
 Join our powerhouse hosts: 
Rudy Shoushany ✨
 Tey Al-Rjula ✨ 
 Powered by: 
 Don't miss out!
 Date: 14 February 2024 
⏰ Time: 6:30 PM Beirut/KSA 7:30 PM UAE
News : 
Bitcoin euphoria is back as investors prepare for the quadrennial ‘halving’ 
Imprisoned libertarian activist and radio host Ian Freeman ordered to repay $3.5 million 
Crypto market, Bitcoin go bearish following US CPI report 
Nigeria Faces Pressure to Tighten Crypto Regulations for Financial Crime Prevention  

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Cryptotalks Wednesday's Episode 213
DxTalks February 14, 2024