Decentralized Finance on Blockchain Explained

March 15, 2023 by
Decentralized Finance on Blockchain Explained
DxTalks, Ibrahim Kazeem

Decentralized Finance on Blockchain Explained

In an era where people still enjoy centralized financing like traditional banking, only a few people have heard about decentralized financing on the blockchain.

Decentralized finance, or DeFi, is a system of financial applications built on a blockchain that allows permissionless and trustless access to financial services without intermediaries.

In this blog post, I will explore the meaning of "decentralized finance, its features, benefits, and differences with centralized financing.

What is Decentralized Financing on Blockchain?

Decentralized Finance, or DeFi, is a financial system built on blockchain technology that operates without intermediaries like banks or financial institutions. Instead, it uses smart contracts to automate financial transactions, providing a transparent and trustless environment.

With DeFi, users have complete control over their assets, and transactions are processed in a decentralized manner, making them more secure and resistant to fraud.

DeFi applications range from lending and borrowing platforms, decentralized exchanges, and stablecoins to yield farming and liquidity provision. Decentralized finance has the potential to democratize finance, providing financial services to anyone, anywhere in the world, regardless of background or location.

What Are the Features of Decentralized Finance?

Decentralized Finance, or DeFi, is a fast-growing sector in the blockchain industry, providing users with financial services that are permissionless, transparent, and secure. Below are some of the critical features of DeFi and how they work:

1.        Decentralization:

Decentralization is at the heart of DeFi. It eliminates the need for intermediaries like banks to process financial transactions. Instead, DeFi applications are built on blockchain networks like Ethereum, giving users full control over their assets.

2.      Open Access:

DeFi applications are open to anyone with an internet connection, making them accessible regardless of location or financial status. This is because they operate without any central authority, allowing anyone to participate in financial activities like lending, borrowing, and trading.

3.      Interoperability:

DeFi protocols are designed to work together seamlessly. This means that users can move their assets between different DeFi platforms without the need for intermediaries. This is made possible by using open-source code and the standardization of smart contract protocols.

4.      Transparency:

All transactions on the blockchain are public and transparent, making it easy to audit and track the movement of funds. This means that users can be sure that their funds are secure and not being misused.

5.      Programmability:

DeFi applications are programmable, meaning that developers can create smart contracts that automate financial activities like lending and borrowing. This reduces the need for intermediaries, making transactions faster and cheaper.


DeFi is built on blockchain technology, making it more secure than traditional financial systems. Blockchain networks use encryption and consensus mechanisms to ensure that transactions are valid and secure, making it almost impossible for bad actors to manipulate the system.

Key Differences Between Centralized Finance and Decentralized Finance

Centralized finance (CeFi) and decentralized finance (DeFi) are different financial systems with distinct features and characteristics. Below are the key differences between CeFi and DeFi:

·         Centralization vs. Decentralization:

CeFi is a centralized system that is controlled by a central authority or a group of authorities, such as banks or financial institutions. In contrast, DeFi is a decentralized system operating on a blockchain network without a central authority.

·         Intermediaries:

CeFi relies on intermediaries, such as banks or financial institutions, to process transactions and manage funds. In contrast, DeFi eliminates intermediaries by using smart contracts to automate financial transactions.

·         Access:

CeFi is often restricted to people with certain financial requirements or specific geographies, such as credit scores or bank accounts. DeFi, on the other hand, is open to anyone with an internet connection, providing financial services to unbanked and underbanked populations.

·         Transparency:

CeFi lacks transparency, as it often operates behind closed doors and can be opaque in its practices. In contrast, DeFi is transparent, as all transactions are publicly visible on the blockchain, providing users with a clear view of how their funds are being used.

·         Security:

CeFi is vulnerable to hacking and fraud, as centralized systems are more susceptible to attacks. DeFi, on the other hand, is more secure, as it uses blockchain technology to provide cryptographic security and transparency.

For example, in CeFi, a bank acts as an intermediary, and users need to trust the bank to manage their funds. 

In DeFi, users can lend their funds directly to borrowers through smart contracts, eliminating the need for intermediaries.

 Another example is that DeFi's transparent nature allows users to track the movement of funds and verify that they are being used for their intended purpose.

In summary, the key differences between CeFi and DeFi include centralization vs. decentralization, the presence of intermediaries, access, transparency, and security. 

These differences highlight the unique advantages that DeFi offers, such as greater accessibility, transparency, and security.

How Does DeFi Run On Blockchain Technology?

After the explanation so far, many people may still have questions about how DeFi runs on Blockchain technologies. If you are one of such persons, don’t fret at all. In this little explanation, you will get your answers.

Imagine you have a piggy bank that you use to save money. Now, imagine if you could lend some of that money to your friend, and they would pay you back with extra money (interest) after a certain time. This is like DeFi on a blockchain!

Instead of a piggy bank, people use computers to save digital money. They can lend this digital money to others and get paid back with extra digital money. 

This happens automatically, without needing a bank or other middleman (This is particularly important and life-changing for countries with many populations of unbanked citizens).

This is possible because the digital money and the lending agreement are recorded on a special computer system called a blockchain. 

The blockchain is like a big book where everyone can see what is written in it, and no one can change what is already written. This makes it safe and secure for people to use DeFi on the blockchain.

What Are the Challenges and Risks Associated with DeFi?

DeFi is a relatively new and rapidly evolving field, which means that there are still some risks and challenges associated with it. Some of the main risks and challenges include the following:

·         Smart contract risk:

Smart contracts are used to automate financial transactions in DeFi, but they are not immune to bugs or vulnerabilities. If a smart contract is hacked or has a coding error, it can result in the loss of funds.

·         Liquidity risk:

DeFi protocols rely on liquidity to function effectively. If there is not enough liquidity, buying or selling assets can be challenging, leading to price volatility and potential losses for investors.

·         Regulatory risk:

The regulatory landscape for DeFi is still being determined, and there is a risk that new regulations could limit its growth or impose additional costs on participants.

·         User error:

DeFi is decentralized, meaning users are responsible for managing their funds. If a user makes a mistake, such as sending funds to the wrong address, it can result in the loss of funds.

Generally, while DeFi offers many benefits, it is crucial for users to be aware of the potential risks and challenges involved and to take appropriate precautions to mitigate these risks.


Decentralized finance (DeFi) is an exciting and rapidly evolving field that has the potential to revolutionize the financial industry. 

DeFi offers several key benefits by leveraging blockchain technology, including accessibility, transparency, security, decentralization, interoperability, and innovation. 

However, as with any emerging technology, there are also risks and challenges associated with DeFi, such as smart contract risk, liquidity risk, regulatory risk, and user error. 

It is crucial for users to be aware of these risks and to take appropriate precautions to mitigate them. 

Overall, DeFi has the potential to provide greater financial freedom and democratize access to financial services for individuals and businesses around the world.

About DxTalks

DxTalks is an events, media, and consultancy firm specialized in the Digital Transformation, Technology, Blockchain and Web3 field focused on the MENA region.















Decentralized Finance on Blockchain Explained
DxTalks, Ibrahim Kazeem March 15, 2023