Permissioned vs. Permissionless Blockchain: A Comprehensive Guide

November 15, 2023 by
Permissioned vs. Permissionless Blockchain: A Comprehensive Guide
DxTalks, Ibrahim Kazeem

Blockchain is transforming technology, but not all blockchains operate the same way. Two broad types exist – permissioned and permissionless blockchains.

While they share core concepts like decentralization and cryptography, key differences impact their functionality, security, and use cases.

In this guide, we demystified what makes each blockchain architecture unique and how consensus, access control, and governance vary between permissioned and permissionless blockchain networks. And understanding these distinctions empowers you to leverage blockchain's benefits in context.

Whether you are exploring blockchain for business or curiosity, this clear framework will unpack how permissioned and permissionless blockchains align with different needs.

Read on: Blockchain and Ai: Their roles in shaping the world

What Is Permissioned Blockchain?

Permissioned blockchain is a restricted-access distributed ledger where participants require explicit approval to join the network. Unlike public blockchains, which are open to anyone, permissioned blockchains are like private clubs with controlled membership.

In this model, designated entities or individuals can validate transactions and create new blocks. This heightened level of control enhances privacy, scalability, and efficiency, making permissioned blockchains suitable for businesses and organizations seeking a more regulated and tailored approach to blockchain technology.

This controlled environment enables greater customization while maintaining a secure and transparent ledger for participants with approved access. 

How Does Permissioned Blockchain Work On Consensus?  

Permissioned blockchains operate consensus mechanisms that restrict block validation to authorized network participants. Unlike permissionless blockchains, where anyone can join consensus, permissioned blockchains limit consensus to trusted nodes.

Some use a traditional byzantine fault tolerance model where consensus is achieved when most validated nodes approve a block.

Others employ proprietary consensus models tailored for lower latency, like Hyperledger's PBFT. Consensus mechanism options tend to be more flexible with known participants.

Overall, consensus on permissioned blockchains achieves agreement through closed groups of identified nodes, enabling both control and efficiency for enterprise use cases.

Features of Permissioned Blockchain  

1. Access Control:

Permissioned blockchains are accessible only to a predefined group of participants, and a central authority grants permission to join and interact with the network.

2. Identity Verification:

Participants in a permissioned blockchain are identified and vetted by the network. This ensures a higher level of trust among members than the pseudonymous nature of permissionless blockchains.

3. Centralized Consensus:

Permissioned blockchains often rely on a central authority or a select group of nodes for consensus. This can enhance transaction speed and efficiency compared to the decentralized consensus mechanisms used in permissionless blockchains.

4. Privacy Controls:

Permissioned blockchains offer the flexibility to control data visibility. Participants can determine who can access specific information, making them suitable for industries where data privacy is a priority.

5. Efficient Performance:

Due to the controlled nature of permissioned blockchains, they can be more scalable and handle a higher transaction throughput. This makes them appealing for enterprise applications with specific performance requirements. 

6. Adherence to Regulations:

Permissioned blockchains often incorporate features to comply with regulatory requirements. This can include identity verification processes and audit trails to ensure transparency and accountability.

7. Smart Contract Flexibility:

Unlike permissionless blockchains where smart contracts are immutable, permissioned blockchains may allow for the modification of smart contracts based on the consensus of the network participants.

8. Fault Tolerance:

Permissioned blockchains can be more resilient to certain attacks due to the centralized governance structure. This can provide a higher degree of security against malicious activities.

9. Lower Transaction Costs:

With fewer nodes in the consensus process, permissioned blockchains can offer lower transaction costs than permissionless blockchains, making them more economically viable for certain applications.

10. Tailored Solutions:

Permissioned blockchains are often designed with specific use cases in mind. Industries such as finance, healthcare, and supply chain management may find permissioned blockchains more suitable for their requirements.

Pros of Permissioned Blockchain:

  • Enhanced Security
  • Increased Efficiency
  • Scalability
  • Regulatory Compliance
  • Customization and Flexibility

Cons of Permissioned Blockchain:

  • Centralization Concerns
  • Limited Decentralization
  • Higher Implementation Costs
  • Reduced Anonymity
  • Dependency on Trusted Entities 

What Is a Permissionless Blockchain?

Permissionless blockchain is a decentralized digital ledger accessible to anyone without requiring approval or validation from a central authority. In this open system, participants, known as nodes, can join the network, validate transactions, and contribute to the consensus process freely. Examples include Bitcoin and Ethereum.

Permissionless blockchains prioritize inclusivity, transparency, and censorship resistance. Participants can create, view, and verify transactions independently, fostering a trustless environment.

This contrasts with permissioned blockchains, where access and validation rights are restricted to specific entities. The permissionless model empowers individuals to engage in a decentralized and borderless financial ecosystem without the need for intermediaries.

How Does Permissionless Blockchain Work?

Permissionless blockchains operate on a decentralized and open network, allowing anyone to participate without requiring approval. Participants, known as nodes, validate transactions through a consensus mechanism like Proof of Work or Proof of Stake.

In this trustless environment, no central authority controls access or decision-making. Transactions are grouped into blocks, cryptographically linked, and added to the chain by consensus agreement. 

Miners or validators compete to solve complex mathematical problems to validate transactions, ensuring security.

This transparent and inclusive system promotes censorship resistance and decentralization, making permissionless blockchains like Bitcoin and Ethereum resilient and accessible to anyone with an internet connection. 

Features of Permissionless Blockchain


1.    Open Access:

Permissionless blockchains are open to anyone, allowing users to join the network, validate transactions, and contribute to consensus without needing approval.

2.    Decentralization:

No central authority controls a permissionless blockchain. Instead, it relies on a network of nodes, ensuring no single entity holds excessive power or influence.

3.    Censorship Resistance:

Transactions on permissionless blockchains are resistant to censorship. No one can arbitrarily prevent users from participating or executing transactions.

4.    Transparency:

All transactions are visible to every participant, enhancing transparency and trust within the network.

5.    Immutable Record:

Once a block is added to the chain, it is nearly impossible to alter past transactions, ensuring the integrity and security of the blockchain.

6.    Incentive Mechanisms:

To encourage participation, permissionless blockchains often use cryptographic rewards (such as mining or staking) for users who contribute resources to maintain the network.

7.    Global Accessibility:

Being borderless, permissionless blockchains are accessible globally, providing financial services to the unbanked and facilitating cross-border transactions.

8.    Innovation and Tokenization:

Permissionless blockchains support the creation of decentralized applications (DApps) and the issuance of tokens, fostering innovation in various industries beyond finance.

9.    Community Governance:

Decision-making in permissionless blockchains often involves a consensus mechanism where the community votes on proposals, ensuring a democratic approach to network governance.

10.  Resilience:

Permissionless blockchains exhibit robustness against attacks, as the network relies on a distributed consensus mechanism that makes it resistant to single points of failure.

Pros of Permissionless Blockchain

  • Decentralization
  • Inclusivity
  • Censorship Resistance
  • Global Accessibility
  • Enhanced Security

Cons of Permissionless Blockchain:

  • Scalability Challenges
  • Energy Consumption
  • Governance Challenges
  • Potential for Illegal Activities
  • Lack of Regulation

Permissioned vs Permissionless Blockchains: Key Differences

Permissioned and permissionless blockchains represent two distinct approaches to decentralized networks, each with unique characteristics and use cases.

1. Access Control:


Restricted access, where participants must be approved or invited to join the network. Known entities maintain control, making it suitable for enterprise applications.


Open access to anyone without approval. Decentralization is a core principle, allowing anyone to participate, making it more inclusive but potentially less controlled.

2. Participants:


Participants are known entities, often predetermined by a central authority. This fosters trust among participants but limits openness.


Participants are anonymous, and anyone can join the network. Trust is established through consensus mechanisms, providing a more trustless environment.

3. Decentralization:


Centralized control, usually by a consortium or governing body. This streamlines decision-making but sacrifices some decentralization benefits.


Fully decentralized, with no central authority. Decisions are made collectively through consensus mechanisms, enhancing security and resilience.

4. Transparency:


Selective transparency, where certain information is restricted to authorized participants. This may be preferable for privacy concerns.


Transparent and open to all participants. Every transaction is visible to anyone, ensuring accountability and trust.

5. Efficiency:


Typically, faster and more scalable due to fewer participants and controlled consensus mechanisms. Ideal for enterprise applications with high transaction volumes.


Slower due to the consensus mechanisms involving a more extensive and more diverse set of participants. However, this decentralization ensures robust security.

6. Use Cases:


Commonly used in enterprise solutions, private consortiums, and situations where control and privacy are paramount.


Mainly associated with public cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum, fostering openness, security, and censorship resistance.

Understanding these key differences is crucial for choosing the suitable blockchain model based on specific requirements and objectives, whether they involve enterprise applications, financial transactions, or broader decentralized ecosystems.

Which Is the Best for You? Permissioned or Permissionless Blockchains.

The choice between permissioned and permissionless blockchains depends on your specific needs and goals. If you value control, privacy, and a closed ecosystem, permissioned blockchains suit you. They're like private clubs where access is restricted.

On the other hand, if transparency, decentralization, and inclusivity are your priorities, then permissionless blockchains, akin to public parks open to all, might be the better fit. Each has its advantages and drawbacks.

Permissioned blockchains offer control but sacrifice decentralization, while permissionless blockchains prioritize decentralization but might pose challenges in control. Consider your objectives and preferences to determine which blockchain suits you best.

Similarities Between Permissioned and Permissionless Blockchain Networks

Permissioned and permissionless blockchain networks share fundamental similarities despite their distinct characteristics. Both employ a decentralized ledger system, ensuring data integrity and security through cryptographic techniques.

Consensus mechanisms, the protocols that validate transactions, are common ground as well. While permissioned networks often use a centralized authority to validate transactions, both types aim to achieve consensus among participants.

Moreover, both permissioned and permissionless blockchains enhance transparency, offering participants a transparent view of the transaction history. Additionally, self-executing smart contracts with coded terms are prevalent in both types, automating processes and reducing the need for intermediaries.

Furthermore, a shared commitment to immutability — once a block is added to the chain, altering it is practically impossible — is a cornerstone for both models. Despite their differences, these shared features highlight the core principles driving the blockchain revolution. 


In wrapping up our journey through permissioned and permissionless blockchains, it's clear: choice matters. Permissioned blockchains offer control, like a private garden; permissionless ones offer freedom akin to a bustling public square.

Both have strengths and applications. Remember, permissioned brings efficiency, while permissionless fosters decentralization. Whichever path you tread; this knowledge empowers you in the ever-evolving blockchain landscape.

It's not just about tech jargon; it's about shaping the future. So, whether you lean towards exclusivity or inclusivity, the key differences demystified here guide you through this digital frontier.

FAQs About Permissioned and Permissionless Blockchain Networks


1.    What is the main difference between permissioned and permissionless blockchain networks?

Permissioned blockchains require explicit access permission, typically from a central authority, whereas permissionless blockchains are open to anyone without such restrictions, relying on decentralized consensus. 

2.    How do consensus mechanisms differ in permissioned and permissionless blockchains?

Permissioned blockchains often use a centralized entity or a select group to validate transactions. In contrast, permissionless blockchains rely on decentralized consensus mechanisms like Proof of Work (PoW) or Proof of Stake (PoS).

3.    Are smart contracts applicable to both permissioned and permissionless blockchains?

Yes, both permissioned and permissionless blockchains support smart contracts. These self-executing contracts with coded terms automate processes and facilitate trustless transactions in both types of networks.

4.    What are the advantages of choosing a permissioned blockchain over a permissionless one and vice versa?

Permissioned blockchains offer greater privacy, control, and efficiency but may sacrifice decentralization. Permissionless blockchains prioritize decentralization, censorship resistance, and inclusivity but may have slower transaction speeds due to the distributed consensus process. Choosing between them depends on specific use cases and desired features.






Permissioned vs. Permissionless Blockchain: A Comprehensive Guide
DxTalks, Ibrahim Kazeem November 15, 2023