IDC Financial Services Congress 2023

April 19, 2023 by
IDC Financial Services Congress 2023

IDC Financial Services Congress 2023 to Highlight the Latest Digital Transformation Trends Shaping the Middle East's BFSI Industry

Dubai, April 18, 2023 – As the financial landscape continues to rapidly evolve and industry players rethink their business models to establish the digital infrastructure required to drive future growth, International Data Corporation is delighted to announce that the Middle East edition of its IDC Financial Services Congress 2023 will take place at The Ritz-Carlton, Dubai International Financial Centre on June 13. 

Addressing the theme 'The Adoption and Utilization of All Things Digital', the event will present exclusive insights from respected industry thought leaders as they discuss the latest trends and strategies shaping digital transformation in the BFSI space.

"Across the Middle East, financial institutions are embracing global industry trends to create a new ecosystem," says Cyrus Daruwala, managing director of IDC Financial Insights Asia/Pacific, who will present the congress's opening keynote, 'Simplification in an Age of Complexity'. "The adoption of digital transformation is the key strategy that will propel the industry forward and enable institutions to meet tomorrow's challenges.

"Traditional financial institutions are facing stiff competition from digital banks and insurers that use data to deliver innovative products and services. To overcome these challenges, they must look to embrace an organizational culture that prioritizes trust, resiliency, transparency, sustainability, productivity, and efficiency for the digital-first BFSI organization."

The IDC Financial Services Congress 2023 will feature keynote speeches, presentations, and panel discussions on a variety of critical topics, including open banking, cloud management, AI/ML integration and industrialization, digital core systems, innovation excellence, cybersecurity risk typologies, frictionless banking, financial wellbeing, financial inclusion, employee empowerment, digital trust, and customer consent.

The event will also showcase first-hand end-user perspectives from senior representatives of prominent financial institutions, including:

  • Somnath Sarkar, Executive Vice President & Group CISO, Mashreq Bank

  • Saud Al Dhawyani, Chief Technology Officer, Emirates NBD

  • Barrak Al Mattar, General Manager, Information Technology, Kuwait International Bank (KIB)

  • Haroon Durrani, Head of Dubai First Cards & Digital, First Abu Dhabi Bank (FAB)

  • Salil Ahuja, Head of Products, Portfolio & Value Proposition, First Abu Dhabi Bank (FAB)

  • Evren Altiok, Chief Operating Officer, Commercial Bank International (CBI)

  • Muhammad Rashid, Chief Compliance & Risk Officer, Jingle Pay

  • Samy Massoud, Regional Head of Technology Delivery, PayTabs

  • Mamoun Alhomssey Group Technology Advisor, Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank (ADIB)

  • Mohamad Najmeddine, Head of Platforms & Data Services / Senior Vice President, Treasury & Trade Solutions (MEA), Citibank

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