The Emerging Tech Summit – Saudi Arabia 2023

October 27, 2023 by
The Emerging Tech Summit – Saudi Arabia 2023

The Emerging Tech Summit (ETS) is a premier B2B global tech conference, uniting top industry leaders and visionaries from Saudi Arabia on the 8th and 9th of November at Voco, Riyadh. This summit focused on absorption of technology in Government organizations, Energy, BFSI, Healthcare, Travel & Tourism, Logistics and more, is a by-invitation only gathering ensuring the senior management executives from the top companies in these sectors are in attendance. 

Unique to the IT industry, we bring the first ever Face to Face meetings summit that account for your specific business needs matched with the requirements of the focus sectors through an exclusive setting of personalized agendas curated for every attendee separately to cater to their individual requirements. 

Solution providers’ offerings services in the fields of AI, Blockchain, Cybersecurity, IoT and Cloud Computing would be at the forefront to meet these needs of the delegate companies. But unlike standing in booths in anticipation of a relevant potential client, at ETS they receive guaranteed meetings with the top decision makers from only those companies that they are looking to collaborate. 

Exciting News! We're thrilled to introduce our esteemed "Social Robotics Partner" - Furhat Robotics! Furhat Robotics is a cutting-edge tech company that specializes in designing and developing state-of-the-art social robots. Their flagship creation is not just a machine – it's an embodiment of advanced AI, natural language processing, and facial recognition. 

Hosting over 250 top-notch attendees, comprising over 50 solution providing companies, 100 companies from various sectors and 30 media houses, gear-up for this extraordinary gathering and register now to know more. 

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